How to Plan for Pool Safety in Your Custom Pool Design

How to Plan for Pool Safety in Your Custom Pool Design

Most people envision spending their summers by the pool soaking up the sun and going for a dip when they get warm — rinse, repeat. Everyone is excited to think about the enjoyment they’ll get out of their custom pool design. However, not enough people consider one crucial element: safety.

Your pool isn’t simply a good investment and a welcome addition to your outdoor area. It’s a space that needs careful planning to ensure that whoever goes in can enjoy it safely. Here’s a closer look at the importance of pool safety with some essential tips and ideas you can incorporate into your custom pool design.

Start With Local Regulations

Dreaming about your future pool is fun, but it’s not so fun to realize that all your ideas fly in the face of local regulations and building codes. Every municipality has its own set of rules regarding pool construction, fencing, and safety features. Avoiding or ignoring these regulations isn’t really an option unless you want to bring your custom pool design to a grinding halt.

Check with your local authorities about permits and safety standards. Many custom pool builders are already familiar with this process, and they’ll likely help you along so you can avoid legal hiccups.

Consider a Saftey Fence Around Your Pool

Is there a real possibility that you might look out at your new pool only to see the neighborhood kids splashing around without your knowledge? If you don’t already have a fence separating your pool from the outside world, this should be your first defense against uninvited guests.

The National Drowning Prevention Alliance recommends installing a fence that is a minimum of four feet high and has a self-closing and self-latching gate. This will help keep curious critters and children safely away from the water when you aren’t looking.

Shop for Pool Covers

Pool covers are the all-season safety net that every pool owner should have. A quality pool cover can keep debris out and make cleaning day significantly more manageable. But it’s also essential for preventing accidental falls into the water when you aren’t actively using your pool.

Your custom pool builder can help guide you to a pool cover that meets your needs. But if you’re shopping by yourself, try to find covers that are made from sturdy materials and meet safety standards. You might even want to try a mesh cover; these unique covers let rainwater through while keeping kids and pets safe from falling in the pool.

Create a Pool Design With Visibility in Mind

You want to be able to see your pool, and not just because it’s your pride and joy, created from scratch with the help of custom pool builders. Seeing the entire pool area is also vital to keeping anyone swimming in it safe.

Consider the layout of your yard when designing your pool. Where can you place it so there’s maximum visibility? Think about where you can create sightlines that allow you to keep an eye on swimmers from various angles. Ample visibility means you can have peace of mind knowing that if you need to check on things from inside your home, you have that option.

Install Non-Slip Surfaces

Falling into the pool fully clothed might make a funny story, but it’s anything but funny when someone gets hurt. The outside perimeter of a pool can get extremely slippery, so building your dream pool with non-slip surfaces is crucial for safety.

Many materials, like textured tiles or treated concrete, provide enough traction to prevent slips and falls. They can be stylish, too, which is a nice bonus to the safety features they provide. When you talk with your custom pool builder about the process of pool construction, ask if they have any recommendations for non-slip materials that match your vision well.

Invest in Pool Safety Equipment

While it’s not necessarily part of the design, pool safety equipment is still essential. Many pool experts recommend having a few life rings and floatation devices nearby, especially if there are some not-so-strong swimmers taking a dip.

First aid kits are also excellent to have on hand. Hopefully, you won’t need this equipment often. But you’ll certainly be glad you have it when you do need it.

Set Pool Safety Guidelines

The pool design can only take you so far; safety is still something you need to remain vigilant about. It’s best to create a friendly but clear set of guidelines that everyone who uses the pool needs to follow.

These guidelines should include rules about running near the pool, diving only in specific depths, and ensuring that young children are supervised at all times. It’s nice to have your newly purchased safety equipment, but it’s much better not to need it by giving people the heads-up before the first cannonball hits the water.

Keep Your Pool Safe with Regular Pool Maintenance

The final suggestion for pool safety is to keep your pool in good health because a well-maintained pool is a safe one! Regular cleanings, equipment checks, and chemical balancing should all be on a pool owner’s to-do list once their custom pool is finished.

Many of these tasks you can do yourself, but it’s still wise to have a professional handle them occasionally. Specific maintenance tasks — especially equipment inspections — are best done by pool experts who can identify when something’s wrong and promptly fix it.

Staying on top of your pool maintenance will prolong the life of your pool and create a safer environment for everyone lucky enough to enjoy it.

Our Custom Pool Builders Design Pools With Safety in Mind

We take safety as seriously as any other aspect of pool design at Tampa Bay Pools. If you’re looking to partner with pool contractors who go above and beyond to deliver a pool that brings you as much peace of mind as it does joy, contact our team today to learn more about our process.

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