Establishing a Pool Equipment Maintenance Schedule
After installing a new swimming pool, you’ll need to think about its upkeep. There are daily tasks that will require your attention, as well as less frequent maintenance responsibilities. Even if you plan to hire a professional team to take care of your pool, it’s a good idea to know what’s involved in this process.
Daily Pool Maintenance Checklist
Before building a custom swimming pool, we recommend reviewing our basic pool maintenance tips to get a better grasp of your maintenance responsibilities. There are several components that will need service every day. Here’s what to plan on.
Measure the Water Level
The water level in your pool is an important factor that needs constant attention, as it will affect the skimmer’s operation. When the water is too high, the skimmer might stop functioning altogether. A low level can cause the skimmer to absorb more air than water, which can damage it.
There are a couple of ways to manage your water levels more effectively. One common method is to turn on the “waste” setting on the multiport valve. This feature sends excess water to the backwash hose.
Alternatively, you can use a submersible pump that connects to a hose or an external sump pump. For optimal performance, drop the submersible in the deep end of the pool.
Check the Filter Pressure Gauge
Read the filter pressure gauge once per day to verify that the pressure is normal — this means water is flowing through the pump as it should. Low pressure can indicate that the baskets are full. If that’s not the case, make sure the valves are open and the water isn’t too low.
High pressure can pose a problem, too. This usually indicates an issue somewhere after the impeller. Try cleaning the filter. If that doesn’t work, confirm that the valves are open.
Inspect the Pool Cleaner
A pressure cleaner operates on a daily basis. If you have this type of pool cleaner, simply empty the bag as needed. Suction and robotic cleaners only need to run two to three times per week.
Running them more often leads to faster wear and tear.
Clean the Pump and Skimmer Baskets
Check these baskets at least once per day and dump out any debris collected in them. If the skimmer is working properly, the baskets should be free of debris.
Perform General Daily Maintenance
Use a rake to clear litter and leaves from the water’s surface. If the water appears cloudy, adjust its chemical levels. Watch for algae growth on the floor, walls, and surrounding deck.
Weekly Pool Maintenance Checklist
In addition to daily maintenance, there are a few things you’ll need to do on a weekly basis. These practices will protect your pool equipment and ensure that your pool water remains healthy and inviting.
Balance the Water Chemistry
Although some people make this a daily task, it’s generally not necessary. As long as you maintain a consistent pH balance, you shouldn’t have to adjust the chemicals very often — weekly checks should be sufficient.
While a 7.5 pH balance is ideal, anything between 7.4 and 7.8 is acceptable. Keep the chlorine level to 2-4 PPM (parts per million).
Measure the Alkalinity
It’s never a good idea to skip this task. If the alkalinity gets too low or too high, getting it back into the optimal range can be a challenge. Keep the alkalinity between 80 and 150 PPM. If the level drops below that range, add a pH reducer or muriatic acid to bring it up. If it’s over that range, sodium bicarbonate can bring it down.
Clean Around the Pool
You can reduce the wear and tear on the filtration system by keeping the area around the pool clean. Use a water hose or leaf blower to get rid of debris on the pool deck, and scrub the tile lining to remove hard water scum. This will reduce the risk of algae growth. Also, keep any landscaping trimmed to facilitate pool maintenance.
Monthly Pool Maintenance Checklist
Some pool equipment only requires infrequent attention. Just make sure you set a reminder to keep from forgetting these rare but important tasks.
Check the Calcium and Cyanuric Acid Levels
The cyanuric acid and calcium in your pool water should stay fairly consistent, so it’s not important to test these levels every week. Once a month, verify that the calcium level is between 200 and 400 PPM. Cyanuric acid should stay in the 40–80 PPM range.
The trichlor tablets used for sanitation have cyanuric acid in them. If you use these tablets, keep a closer eye on the cyanuric acid level.
Test the Salt Content
If you have a saltwater pool, make it a point to check the salt content in the water each month. You can buy a kit to test the water yourself, or you can hire a pool expert to do it for you. While testing for salt, it’s a good idea to check for metals and cyanuric acid as well.
Annual Pool Maintenance Checklist
There are a couple of maintenance tasks you’ll only need to do once or twice a year. These relate to the safety of the pool, so don’t neglect them.
Clean Slides, Diving Boards, and Other Surfaces
Take proper care of surfaces swimmers commonly touch, including water slides, diving boards, steps, and ladders. Buy the appropriate cleaners from a reputable pool company and apply them with care to avoid getting them in the water.
If you have plans for upgrading your swimming pool’s features, don’t forget to add the new features to this list.
Tighten the Fittings
Inspect all major equipment for loose bolts or screws, paying particularly close attention to ladders, diving boards, and slides. Tighten any loose fasteners you come across during your inspection.
Miscellaneous Pool Equipment Maintenance
Finally, clean your diatomaceous earth (DE) filters and replace your cartridge filters on a yearly basis. You should also lubricate the O-rings at this time. An annual tune-up and inspection from a professional pool care company can help you catch issues early while reducing the amount of deterioration your pool equipment suffers.
Get Professional Swimming Pool Design Help for Low-Maintenance Enjoyment
Tampa Bay Pools has years of experience designing and building pools and spas. We keep up with the latest innovations and trends to ensure that we can offer attractive, energy-efficient, and low-maintenance designs to all of our clients.
Get in touch with our team today to learn how we can help you design the perfect pool for your Tampa area property.