Pool Maintenance

A Family Affair: Age Appropriate Pool Cleaning Tasks for Kids

Once children reach school age, they are ready to start helping out around the pool. Summer is the perfect time to assess kids’ abilities and establish a new pool maintenance routine. Just like indoor chores, this helps children develop an appreciation for their material advantages as well as responsibility and an understanding of how to Read More

Simple Tips for Keeping a Cleaner Pool

http://tampabaypools.com/classic-pools-photos/#foobox-1/1/002.jpg Most pool owners will go through a basic “Pool School” when their new pool and spa are completed. At that time, your pool builder should teach you how to operate your pool equipment, do basic clean-up, and check and adjust your pool water’s chemical levels. But beyond that, there are some common sense ways Read More

Eliminate Algae in Your Pool for Good

No one wants to deal with green pool water. Just thinking about your pool turning green can make you a little stressed out. Don’t worry though, as below we have listed some ways you can eliminate algae from your pool for good. 1. Keep the Proper Pool Chemistry One of the sure fire ways to Read More
